Monday, July 30, 2012

July was a hectic month and unfortunately we breezed through the summer without really looking at fashion as I would of liked to. Before you know it, yes the  Fall Looks are upon us. Vogue just came out so we will be looking at the new trends in August.

 A new feature I would like to start is Strip Mall Sales. You can help if you see somethng cool and on sale that a fashion groupie would love let me know by e-mailing me at .I will check it out and share it with everyone.

It’s the last day of July still time to have some summer fun before school starts. Check out this new look of chalking your hair. You use same type of  pastel chalks which  you used can find in an art store for five bucks. Give yourself a tie dye look.   You can give streak your hair with any type of color you want and know that if it doesn’t work out, its hair today and gone tomorrow.

There are various techniques you can find on YouTube about how to chalk your hair but if you don’t feel confident enough to try it yourself there are salons like Marc Voci Salon and Color Bar who will do the chalking for you. Keep Styling in Delco.