If you are looking for some unique winter accessories or gifts for the holidays check out 2 New Road Studios in Lenni.Lenni, a former mill town on the edge of Aston, is quickly becoming a burgeoning artists community.
The transformation of Lenni started 13 years ago when several visionary artists looked at an unused old mill structures and envisioned artists’ studios. The Heron and Heron Crest Studios were hatched and soon upwards of 16 artists had formed an enclave.

Madeleine Kelly, one of the Heron Crest Studios artists, made the decision in fall of 2009 to seek larger studio space. She joined Elisabeth Brown , a hand weaver and women’s clothing designer living in Lenni for 20 years.
Together they formed "2 New Road Studios."
Kelly, an artist and educator believes that art is passion, discovery, evolution and an endless journey. Kelly enjoys working with all mediums, but is particularly passionate about colors and textures which can be achieved with pastels and oils.

Swedish-born Elisabeth Brown hand weaves her own fabrics on room-sized looms in her studio. Her classical designs include meticulously tailored coats, jackets, skirts, capes, shawls, scarves, and hats and Brown feels they become sensible choices for almost any occasion. When designing her hand woven fabrics she states that she is very much influenced by her Swedish heritage, so there is an appealing European flair to her garments. She selects the finest of yarns to work with and creates distinctive textures and color combinations in a wide selection of styles and sizes.
The studio will be open to the public on Friday, Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 20 and 21 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Keep Styling in Delco.