Okay fashion lovers here are some things to beware of .......If you remember stretch pants, you must remember how they led to a bit of frumpiness........Big big shirts....Big Big sweatshirts over skinny pants that hid nothing. I don't know about you but I know I increased a bit in size as I was able to stretch the limits. So remember if you are going to wear the leggings wear a stylish top caressing your hips with leather booties to keep the lines flowing.
Leggings are not about stretching the limits or finding the biggest top you own to cover your flaws. Work on the flaws, accent the good and remember you never know who you'll meet as you walk out the door.
What if you spy a celebrity like Brad Pitt in Walmart......a stretch......but what if you do and you want to look good enought to take that phone picture with Brad, right. So think about it.
I was stuck in Walmarts parking lot and a few things bothered me. Here are some observations.
Men's sweatshirts are for men!
No excuses there are so many feminine and cute women's sports fashion. Phillies fans and Eagles fans can make the most of the selections on your hometeams web. Check them out.http://www.fansedge.com. Pick your team.
Don't wear pajamas when you shop.
Its okay when you are sixteen and you are walking home from a sleepover but lets be real..flannel pajamas warm and cuddley at home don't belong on the streets of Delco.
Leave the sliders at home!One other thing I would like to see banned would be those slide in shoes that males and females wear with abandonment... you know the ones with the sports emblem.......no support....make your feet look ugly.
Instead go for cute flip flops or a sandals or pink work boots
Fashion is about breaking rules not looking like you crawled out of bed after a really bad night of partying ...Keep Styling in Delco.
Sports Photos courtsey of Fansedge.com
Pink workboots can be found at B&S Shoes in Drexeline Shopping Center.